Make My Medicine Strong

The Vision of the Four Winds

[Zechariah 6:5-7 & Ezekiel 37:1]

Father - Creator----

Show me the ways to keep my path pure,                        To keep my heart and mind pure,                                  So that my medicine will be made strong! 

When I am Weak---Make me to fall upon my knees to Pray for Your Strength,

When I am Sick---Make me to fall upon my knees and Pray for Your Healing, 

Whenever I might Stray from the path that You have chosen for me---Make me to fall upon my knees and Pray and Seek Your Forgiveness and Grace, 

And go before the Elders and seek their counsel , 

In addition, draw from their wisdom, so that my medicine will be made strong!

Meet me in my Prayer Lodge---So that I might seek Your Grace and Forgiveness,

Grant me the Strength and Courage to humbly confront those  I might have a grievance with, or those I may have offended when I was weak of spirit and mind;

To offer myself in humble service!

And to those I have wronged, to ask their forgiveness

and make peace between all my relations.

So that my Medicine Will Be Made Strong! 

I had a vision-----

I saw Four Chariots coming out from between the mountains.

One was pulled by Red Horses;

The Second by Black-Horses;

The third by White-Horses;

and The Fourth by Dappled-Horses;

I asked; What do these means?

"These are the Four Winds,

they have just come from the Presence of the LORD

of all the earth," Said the messenger.

And the Angel answered and said to me, 

these are the Spirits of Heaven,

going fourth after standing before the LORD of all the earth.


There were Four Chariots; with one of which the black horses are going forth to the North Country,

with another of which the white horses are going forth to the West Country,

the chariot with red horses went forth to the East Country,

and the chariot with dappled-gray horses went forth to the South Country.

The Strong Horses were Eager to be Off, to Patrol back and forth across the earth.

And they left at once on their patrol. 




The Four Values

[Lakota Sioux]

When The Night Hawk Sings

  I: Generosity---[Wacantognaka]

     Psalm 112:5

     "It is well with those who deal generously and lend,             who conduct their affairs with justice."

 II: Courage---[Woohitika]

     1 Corinthians 16:13

     "Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous,

      be strong."

III:  Respect---[Wawacintanka]

      Deuteronomy 8:6

      "Therefore, keep the commandments of the LORD your          God, by walking in His ways and to fear Him."

IV:  Wisdom---[Woksape]

      Proverbs 11:2

      "When pride comes, then comes disgrace:

      but wisdom is with the humble."



Search for the good in all things,

Give yourself and others the benefit of the doubt,

Look for the positive energy and give yourself something

to look forward to and that energy will motivate you

and inspire you to accomplish that which you seek.


When your motivation lacks inspiration,

your energy vanishes for lack of nourishment. 

Open your heart ̄̄ your mind, and your spirit to new

understanding and discover a new ability to overcome

any of life’s obstacles, especially Self̥̄̄Doubt.


Things that seem to be impossible,

may just be the wall or boundary you have allowed to be built through the years of doubt and negative energy

that have brought you to your present circumstances.


First: You must be willing to give thanks for the lessons learned, and trust that God, The Father Creator:

will provide a way around or through this obstacle in your path, and believe He will provide the things

you need or desire before you ask for them.

If you stay your course in seeking your goals,  

you will not be disappointed.

Second: Be consistent in seeking your goals, 

always show gratitude---

Always be content with where you are,

And one day you will look back

and wonder why you ever had doubt.