Guided Prayer

Guided Prayers:

Join us for weekly devotionals where we pray about specific topics and circumstances in life. It's a time to come together as a community and seek God's guidance and strength.

Guided Morning & Evening Prayers to Cover Various Seasons -- Situations and Circumstances in Our Life and the Lives of Others:

These Guided Prayers are to help you to get in the Intentional Habit of setting aside time to Go Before God In Prayer on a daily basis, and to just STOP and pray whenever things get a little chaotic or just need to give thanks: 

Morning Prayer for Breaking Habitual Sin & Temptation:

Abba-Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit; thank You for waking me up this morning and giving one more day  to live for and to walk in Your Light.  Help me to recognize and run away from the temptations of habitual sins.  I confess that I have been offering and allowing myself to be given over to  sin, through my emotions, anger, negative attitude and allowing the enemy to set up camp in my life.  Right now from this moment on; I renounce it my unrighteousness, anger and bitterness, impurity, selfishness and unforgiveness.  I truly renounce the every way that I have given myself over to sin.  I dedicate and I consecrate my life [in these specific areas] once more to the rule of Jesus Christ, to be His and His alone. May Your Atoning Blood cover my sins and cleanse me.  may Your holiness possess me totally and completely.

Lord Jesus, forgive me, I confess that I have beem giving myself over to sin and I keep falling into the habitual sin.  Right now, I renounce it [be very specific here]. 

Holy Spirit, search me, know me and reveal to me the agreements I have been making in these areas [list the areas], I renounce those agreements now!  I renounce the ways that I have presented my words and my actioins through my anger, bitterness and unforgivenes.  I sanctify my whole body, mind, thoughts, my heart, and my soul to You Jesus. I break every agreement that is spoken by the enemy over me like; "I will never be free."  Rage and anger are just a part of me."  It's too late, I will never be blessed."  In Jesus' Mighty Name I break the chains of these agreements.              I renounce every claim they have given the enemy in my life.  Jesus, my Deliverer, come and break these strongholds.  Set me free in this very place.  Lord Jesus, show me every evil companion agreement operating here.  I renounce the agreement that I am alone, that no one will protect em, that no one will ever love me.  I renounce the agreement that I am dirty and disgusting, and not worthy of any good thing.           I renounce every agreement of shame, every agreement that says I can never be forgiven.  Holy Spirit, show me what to pray and show me these agreement s made against me.

Lord Jesus, I totally renounce every way that I have given myself over to temptations of the enemy.  I dedicate and consecrate my life in my attitude, my thoughts, my words, and my reactions, when things are not going my way, help me to look more to the ways of the rule and character of Christ Jesus, to be His and His alone.  Lord Jesus, I also renounce the sins of my birth father and my step-father that have been past on to me, as well as from my mother, such as their rage, and resentment, and bitterness, and short-temperedness.       I utterly renounceand breakany sin curse that has been passed down to me in my family line.  I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over those sins, so that they may no longer have any hold over me or my childrenan d my grandchildren.  I do renounce them and break any chains that link my life to them.  Holy Spirit, I ask You to search me and know me, and reveal to me any agreements that I have been making or allowing in the areas of my thinking, recalling/remembering, using my words, my character and my attitude.  I renounced those agreements -- right here and now, and they no longer have any hold on me.

In Jesus' Name I Pray, Amen.                    

Evening Prayer for--Restoring My Mind and Spirit:

My Loving Lord Jesus; I come to You now before I lay my head down, first to say thank You for bringing me through this day, and to ask You for Your forgivenes for transgressions today.  And to be restored in You, to be renewed inYou, to be renewed in You, to take refuge in You.  I confess that my attitude throughout this day has not been one of a gracious or loving person.  I thank You and honor You as my Sovereign Lord, and as for Your mercy and grace, I surrender all that I am and I give everyone and everything to You; and surrender every aspect of my life totally and completely to You.  I gave YOu my spirit, my soul, my body, my mind, my heart and my Will.  I cover my myself with your cleansing blood, and ask Your Holy Spirit to restore me in You, renew me in You, and lead this time of prayer.  Right now, I proclaim the Kingdom of God and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ over my home, and all that is in it, all who are in it, I proclaim the power of the Holy Spirit over my life, and I ask Him to consecrate and sanctify my home, and everyone and everything in it, sanctify the ground around the outside of this house to the Power of Jesus Christ.

I now brng the authority of my Lord Jesus Christ and the fullness of the work of Christ against Satan and his kingdom.  I bring the cross, the resurrection, and the ascention of Jesus Christ against every foul and unclean spirit --- every ruler, power, authority, and spiritual forces of wickedness, [my negative thoughts, words, actions and reactions] that are being ruled by my emotions.  Lord Jesus, You know what's been attacking me and I commandevery foul and unclean spirit bound and banished from my homeform my home, form my life, and from this household, along withevery demonic back-up and replacementthat the enemy has hidden, every device, in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and in His Holy Name.  I ask You Lord Jesus to summon the angels in Your charge and instruct  them to build a shield of protection around me and this household, inside and out.  I ask for Your Holy Spirit to fill my home, my room, and my sleep with Your Presence, with the peace of God the father, and the love of Christ.  I ask You to send forth Your Spirit to rise up prayer and intercession for me on the hours of the night and through the new coming day.

In Jesus' Name I Pray These Things, Amen.    

Sunday Morning Prayer

Abba-Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit:

I come to You today with a heart full of hope and trust in Your Timing.  If You are asking me to wait, then I know there is a purpose behind it.  If You are drawing me closer to You through this Season.  I trust that You have a plan to bless me and make me to prosper.  If YOu are teaching me to persevere, I believe it's for a good reason.  Lord Jesus, I am grateful for the strength that YOu have given me to keep going, even when thinkgs are tough and seem impossible. 

I Trust that Your plans for me are beyond what I can ask or even imagine.  May I stay faithful and patient, knowing that Your blessings will surpass all that I've prayed for. 

Holy Spirit, by the power in the Name of Jesus, I declare that every prearranged plan of God for mey life begins to manifest  and let there be a divine acceleration anywhere I have been stagnated.  From today forward Lord, I will not labour in vain. I will begin to prosper exceedingly where You have prepared the way.  Through Jesus Christ, I am recommended and promoted.  I receive divine promotion.  People begin to remember for for I am in You.  I declare that the double doors are open to me and the gate of my destiny will not be shut; Not by the enemy, Not by any forces of darkness, Not by family or friends, or even by own doing.  I receive the increased favour and opportunities that come to me.  Mt cup of blessings will overflow.

Father God, in the Name of Jeus Christ, I bind the enemy (Satan) and his agents of darkess having from any access to me and my life, I bind and destroy any attack against me, my home, and my family.  Bt the Blood of Jesus Christ, I nullify evry evil agreement, conspiracy, covenant devised against me in the Name of Jesus.  I declare that my life is now a "No Fly Zone" and "No Weapon" formed me will prosper.  I crush every monitoring spirit, let vengeance and plague of God rest upon anyone seekig to destroy me and seeking my downfall.

In Jesus' Mighty and Powerful Name I pray, Amen.               

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