May The Creator Bless You:
May You have A Blessed Day!
{O-si-yo li-s-da-yi-do}
Welcome To Hawk's Haven
Feel Free to look around, check out what's going on at
Stepping Stones & Mountain Tones Ministry:
Spend a little time reading our blogs about our
Partnered Mountain-Wilderness Adventure Ministries.
Our Fitness and Nutrition Tips, Devotionals, Men's &Veterans Outreach Ministries:
Statement of Faith:
Hello [Osiyo] my Brother's and Sister's in Christ and My Brother's and Sister's
who Honorably Served in the Military, Law Enforcement & Fire Fighting & Rescue:
[Fellow Mountain - Wilderness Adventurer's]
My name is [Russell "Little-Hawk" Oliver]; I am the Founder of Stepping Stones and Mountain Tones Ministries. It is a Non-Profit - Non-Denominational Outreach Ministry for Christian Men and Women, especially targeting Veterans, who love to get out and hike, and enjoy the outdoor Mountain Wilderness and Trail Adventures.
I am located in the Denver, Colorado Metro Area:
It was founded on the Truths Taught by Jesus Christ, in God's Holy Living and Written Word.
I believe that God [Jehovah], is One Divine Being in Three Distinct Persons: (God the Father) - (God the Son) - (God the Holy Spirit). Salvation and Eternal Security - I believe that mankind was made in the Image of God and that He alone is the Creator of the Universe and all that is in it. I believe that salvation is available only through the redemptive Death - Blood
and Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son (Human), conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
I believe that the Bible is the Inspired - Living and Written Word of God. That it is Totally Infallible and Inherently True!
I believe that God's Written Word (the Bible) , is God's Voice to man, instructing him in the ways of Righteousness.
I believe that the answers to all of man's questions can be and are found in God's Word. I believe that the life of Jesus Christ will bloom in fruitful works in the life of a True Believer and True Christ Follower. I believe that God expects believer's to live a life of Obedient Surrender to Him and the Teachings of Jesus. I believe that has a Perfect Plan and a Divine Will for the life of every believer, and that His Will is Revealed to the believer in His Word. I believe that the life of a Truly Born-Again Christian will manifest the fruit of the Spirit. And that we are called to come along side other men and women help them to develop and strengthen their Relationship with God and to be accountable to one another to live out our faith before our families, in our careers, in our communities, in our cities and before the world.
Everyone has a different perspective on faith.
Faith is not about what we claim to believe, but faith is what we truly believe in.
Faith means believing in something true for both a religious and non-religious person.
A struggle becomes much easier when the person has faith in themselves, because of their faith in Jesus Christ.